Extended License Now Available

You can now purchase an Extended License for Quform. Any buyer of the Extended License is permitted to use Quform in larger stock item that will be sold on Envato Market (for example included with a WordPress theme that is sold on ThemeForest.)

Note that the both the Regular License and Extended License are permitted for use in a single end product. We currently do not offer an “Unlimited” or “Developer” license that can be used on multiple sites.


view full license


view full license
Number of end products 1 1
Use in a single end product
Use in a free end product
(more than one end user allowed)
Use in an end product that’s sold
On-demand products/services
(e.g. “made to order” or “create your own” apps and sites)
One license per each
customized end product
Use in stock items/templates
(See FAQ for more details)

Purchasing the Extended License

Head over to the Quform CodeCanyon page. Click the Regular License text to open the license menu. Click Extended License then Buy Now.

Click Regular License with to open the license menu
Choose the Extended License

Integrating Quform into a theme

Visit the theme integration guide for instructions on how to include Quform in a WordPress theme.

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